Adding to My Resource Library
/I spend as much time as I can spare trying to learn from my colleagues. Here are three great posts, articles and other resources that I'm loving these days:
1. This amazing post by Stuart Glen packages 10 solid gold copywriting tips into a wise and fun tribute to Dr. Seuss. The legendary children's author and I share a birthday, so I'm a sucker for anything Seuss-related, but there's a lot of great information here for non-Seuss-fans, too.
2. The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation is dedicated to bringing people together to create real progress for their communities. Their Harwood in Half an Hour worksheets are a great package of tools to help you zero in on your goals and make them a reality.
3. After going through huge re-branding campaigns with several clients, I have a lot of ideas about branding, public awareness campaigns and the near-constant pressure on organizations to raise their public profile. Jeff Brooks sums it up nicely in this post.
Anything I've missed? Post it in the comments or send it my way on Twitter or via e-mail!