More for the Resource Library
/I spend a fair amount of time reading interesting articles that people tweet or send me, or that I stumble across on the Internet while procrastinating. And as Amy Blake can attest, I am like the Internet Age version of your elderly Aunt Millie who sends you newspaper clippings from her hometown paper -- I love to share what I read! So here is my Internet Age way of mailing them to you, too!
Here are some of the most interesting of the last few weeks:
- In his usual concise way, Seth Godin lists the 3 questions you should ask your marketing team before starting any marketing campaign. Also as usual, it's great and important stuff.
- Jeff Brooks has it right: you can't stop acquiring new donors and expect to thrive. Please read this and share with any nonprofit you know that is neglecting to invest in acquisition!
- Being married to a visual communicator -- he asks me to draw him a picture of our finances whenever I try to talk to him about the budget! -- I am fascinated by this article on the use of storytelling to help create more usable products, programs and aps.
- I'm always interested in creativity and how it works. This fascinating article on the strange and idiosyncratic habits of famous writers doesn't have applicable tips for boosting your own creativity...but it does show that creative people are a little nutsy. And this one about the ten paradoxical traits of creative people made me chuckle. I recognized so many people I know in this list!
- This blog post at Get Storied is a bit long for my taste, but it has some great stuff about how to use story to inspire change, particularly this little gem: "Give people something from which they can find themselves in your story. Sometimes if you share your own personal motivations for change, they may let down their guard a bit. They may listen more. And they might open up to your ideas."